BitComet - fresh and functional, very fast and easy to use client that Allows you to work with references format Bittorrent and download torrent files. It supports simultaneous downloads with the ability to prioritize the boot sequence may cause loading, has the ability to quickly stop / resume upload files. Works with a proxy server, can automatically reduce speed "impact" of files to other network members Bittorrent, if the user's computer drops the download speed. There is an automatic optimization of the connection settings to work with a firewall, as well as other boot managers.
BitComet features a large set of features, speed, no adware / spyware and easy to use. Supports a huge number of useful features that you oprobuete on yourself when you download any of the BitTorrent network. So quite useful are the features: a proxy, ip filter, resume files, a good cache, speed limits, etc. etc. In general, if you have not once used BitTorrent client, then you may start by using BitComet.
Key features
"Preview of the video material is under-inflated
"Working with the network through the DHT, without having to connect to a tracker
"Speed limit is pumping, and downloading files
"Simultaneously download files, automatically optimize the connection
"Intelligent bandwidth to optimize and Maximize the speed of
"checksum file at start / resume job to reduce the likelihood of damage to the job
"Work through firewalls and NAT, automatic tuning built-in Windows Firewall
"Automatic port forwarding for the router
"The possibility of temporary or permanent blocking IP-addresses
"The ability to communicate with other users
"Shutdown the system to various conditions
"Downloading files via FTP / HTTP
Changes in v1.35
GUI Improved: show the "Saving data" tip when shut down computer while bitcomet running (Vista or later)
GUI Improved: max seeding time changes from 1000min to 99999min. max share ratio changes from 2000% to 9999%
GUI Improved: do not show right-bottom corner popup tips by default
GUI Improved: changes the UI some text in
GUI Bugfix: program crash occasionally when delete task
Core Improve: support Firefox 20
Platform: Windows ® 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7 the
Language: Multilingual
Medicine: Not required / Free
Size: 9.08/10.38 Mb