- adobe photoshop 7.0.1 : 160MG
- adobe photoshop CS2 : 360MG
- adobe photoshop CS3 Extended : 568MG
- adobe photoshop CS4 Extended Edition : 660MG
- adobe photoshop CS5 Extended Edition : 1.66GB
Adobe photoshop (commonly known as Photoshop) is a software company dedicated graphics of adobe Systems was born in 1988 on the Macintosh platform. photoshop is considered the market leader in software for editing bitmap and is considered the industry standard for image editing involved.
From photoshop version 7.0 was released in 2002 on photoshop has revolutionized the bitmap. The latest version is now adobephotoshop CS6.
Also key is the ability to edit images for publications, photoshop can also be used in activities such as website design, drawing all kinds of pictures (matte painting and other genres), texture painting for 3D programs. .. almost all activities related to bitmaps.
Adobe photoshop is compatible with most graphic programs such as adobe Illustrator by Adobe, adobe Premiere, After After Effects and adobe Encore.

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Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1

Adobe Photoshop CS2

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Edition

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Edition

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended